frequently asked questions

what is your mission?

OK You creates more OKness in the world with creative practices that support youth in navigating big emotions and staying connected to their OK selves.

what do you do?

We provide free, artist-designed creative wellness projects and resources through our website and offer professional development trainings, youth and caregiver workshops, collaborations with culturally-specific organizations, Spanish-language programming, and youth leadership opportunities.

who do you support?

By supporting those in trusted, supportive roles with youth, we’re able to multiply our reach and impact with creative wellness strategies that continue to grow within communities. Our resources are used in 70+ schools and organizations throughout Oregon and an additional 15,000+ school counselors, social workers, teachers, parents, community and culturally-specific programs, and youth leaders nationwide who seek support via OK You’s website and social media channels.

why does this work matter?

As the number of youth struggling with anxiety and depression continues to rise
(1 in 3 according to the CDC), and with 42% of teens reporting that they feel
persistently sad or hopeless, this work has never been more urgent. Yet, 80% of
struggling youth don’t receive mental health support outside of school, and the
one support they have—their school counselors—are operating at a ratio of 1 to 350-450 students. OK You bridges this widening gap between the growing number of youth in need of support and the limited resources available to them.

what makes ok you unique?

1) We are committed to keeping our resources free to all. 2) Our projects align with both social-emotional learning and the National Core Arts Standards. 3) Our program provides youth supporters with arts+wellness strategies that are adaptable to meet the unique needs within their communities. 4) Our program goes beyond creative expression to address the negative self stories so many youth hold around their emotions.

How do you measure the success of your program? 

We measure the success of our program through surveys collected from partners and youth participants, data collected via Google Analytics, as well as through the increasing number of school counselors and organizations reaching out to us for support and to share the value and impact of our resources.

In post-workshop surveys collected from 34 school counselors, 100% reported that after participating in OK You sessions, their students showed greater confidence in navigating their anxiety. In pre- and post-workshop surveys collected from 90 students across grades 3-6, 98% of students reported feeling less alone in their worries after participating in our workshops, and 100% reported that they learned new creative ways to manage their emotions. 

How big is your team? 

We are a small but mighty staff of 4 supported by a 6-member Board, 30+-member Advisory Council, and dozens of amazing volunteers.

Who are your supporters?

We receive support from foundations, corporate sponsors, and individual donors through our growing Anxiety Society. You can help to keep our resources free to all through a sponsorship of our programs or by joining our Anxiety Society at any amount on our GIVE page at

How can I get involved?

OK You thrives on the time and talents of its volunteers, community advisors, and creative collaborators. If you have time, skills, materials or talents to share, we’d love to connect with you.

What are the best ways to spread the word about this program? 

Sharing our website (, YouTube channel (@createyourownok), and social channels (Instagram: okyou_org, Facebook: are great ways to spread our mission and ensure that more youth and youth supporters can benefit from our free creative wellness resources.

Who can I contact to discuss a potential partnership? 

We’d love to connect with you! Reach out to us at to get the ball rolling.

What do your participants and partners have to say about OK You?

Here’s a small sampling:

“With this program, anxiety has become less of a big deal in my life.” —Hazel, student leader 

“Dougy Center has been fortunate enough to receive resources from OK You in the past to distribute to many of the 350+ kids and teens enrolled in our peer support groups. We would love to expand our partnership and believe that by working together, we will impact kids and teens who are grieving in an even more powerful way.” —Alysha Lacey, Director of Program Services, Dougy Center

“We were raised in communities that carry past trauma and stigma around mental health. Expressing emotional pain is seen as a sign of weakness. We need to normalize mental health. The OK Kit is the perfect tool for taking a look inside when you’re emotionally hurting, and realizing it’s okay to feel pain. Talking about OKness instead of mental health could break through these cultural barriers and stigmas.”—Yoana Molina Marcial, Founder / Director, Guerreras Latinas

“As emotional health starts to gain more recognition as a real need for people of all ages, it is great to have a program such as OK You that can touch the lives of so many and to great benefit. The program is built in a sustainable way that allows various stakeholders to facilitate or lead workshops, groups or clubs. We have current students that have previously been in a group that are now using their gained skills to teach others through this program! I am so grateful to OK You for all the work they do in schools and the community.” —Anna Jablonski, K-8 Counselor

What is your mailing address? 

2000 NE 42nd Avenue #103, Portland, Oregon 97213