Hang A Wish

  • (Para traducir este proyecto al español, haga clic en el traductor de idiomas en la esquina superior derecha de su pantalla)

    (To translate this project into Spanish or another language, click on the language translator in the upper-right corner of your screen)

    Hello, my name is Patricia Vázquez. I’m an artist originally from Mexico.

    Sometimes, we may feel like there’s nothing to look forward to. The Wish Tree is a simple yet beautiful art project that serves as a visual reminder of the things we hope for, especially when it feels like our worries will never end.

    If you’d prefer to follow this project using my Spanish-language video series instead, click here.


  • This project is inspired by the work of artists like Yoko Ono who invited people to write their wishes on paper and hang them in public places for everyone to see. The practice can also be traced to ancient Chinese rituals where people would write wishes, prayers, or intentions on paper and hang them from trees or burn them as offerings.

    This shared space for wishes creates a sense of community around hope and peace. 

    Today, we’ll create our own version of this, but instead of global wishes, we’ll focus on personal wishes for ourselves—things that would bring us happiness and comfort.

    This is a simple but inspiring project that can bring a sense of peace and positivity into your life, and perhaps even your community.


  • STEP 1 OF 7

    For this project you will need:

    Paper (thick card stock if possible)






  • STEP 2 OF 7

    First, decide where you’d like to hang your wishes. If you have a plant or small tree at home, consider hanging your wishes on its branches. A plant or small tree in a family room or personal space works well, as you’ll see it often. If you don’t have a plant or tree, you can draw, paint, or create a paper tree and attach your wishes to its branches.



  • STEP 3 OF 7

    Next, cut six squares (or more, if you prefer) in sizes that suit the tree where they’ll hang. If possible, use paper in a color you love or one that will easily catch your attention as you walk by.


  • STEP 4 OF 7

    Now, start thinking about your wishes.

    Write one wish on each piece of paper, starting with the phrase “I wish.” If you have a journal, you can write a longer list there to practice and then select your favorites to transfer to the cut-outs.

    Take a moment to think deeply about these wishes. What are the things that would make you feel good about yourself, lift your spirits, or bring peace to your mind and heart?

    Give yourself time to reflect on your desires, and when you’re ready, begin writing. Your wishes might include things like, “I wish for peace of mind,” “I wish to feel more confident,” or “I wish for strength in hard times.”


  • STEP 5 OF 7

    Time to hang your wishes!

    I like to tape one end of my string to the back of the wish and tie the other end to the plant or tree—or, if you’re working with a drawing of a tree, you can simply tape the other end to your drawing.

    While you’re doing this, I recommend imagining what it would feel like in your body if that wish came true.

    As you can see, I’ve added my own wishes to my Wish Tree, and I feel a sense of calm and encouragement when I look at them. I hope this project brings you similar feelings.


  • STEP 6 OF 7

    Now that your Wish Tree is complete, let it serve as a daily reminder of the positive intentions you’ve set for yourself. You might even invite family or friends to contribute their own wishes, turning the tree into a shared source of inspiration and hope.

    You could take this project to the next level by setting up a Wish Tree in a public place, like your school or a local park. Leave some paper and pens nearby so that others can join in. Imagine the beauty of a tree filled with wishes from different people, all expressing hopes and dreams!


  • STEP 7 OF 7

    If you would like to share pictures of your wish tree, please click the link below!