Write What’s Important To You

  • Hi, my name is Chris, and I am an educator and storyteller.

    This is the first part in a series I developed for OK You called “Create More Stories.” Using personal experiences and thinking about our history, we will find our voice and tell our story. 

    If you prefer to follow along using my videos, click here.


  • This first project is called “10 Things You Should Know About Me.”

    It’s really simple.

    We’re just going to create a top 10 list of you.

    It’s 100% about you—who you are, what you want people to know about you, and what you think the most important 10 things about you are.


  • STEP 1 OF 7

    For this project, you will need:

    1. A pen or pencil

    2. Paper (or a journal for future writing projects)

  • STEP 2 OF 7

    Okay, let’s get started!

    So, for those of us who like to talk a lot, this next step will probably be easy. For those of us who are a little on the shy side, it might take a little bit of time, which is totally okay. 

    Write down 10 things you want people to know about you.

    You don’t have to write a full sentence. You can just write a word if that works for you…or draw a picture for each of the things on your list.


  • STEP 3 OF 7

    Here’s my list of what’s important to me. You can use it as an example.

    I will tell you why I chose a few of them only to help inspire you…

    Number two: I was born and raised in East Lansing, Michigan. I think, wherever you’re born, wherever you’re from, you’re going to take pieces of that with you, and it’s going to shape the person that you are throughout your entire life.

    Number six: My dad is my guiding light. He’s the guy, the number one person that I think about when I’m doing anything. I always think to myself, “What would my dad feel about this? What would my dad do in this situation?” 


  • STEP 4 OF 7

    So, now that you’ve read my top 10 list, do you feel like you know me better? Because that’s what’s important, right?

    I hope creating and sharing my list helped you to start thinking about who you are, what’s important to you, and what you like to do.


  • STEP 5 OF 7

    When you’re done with your list, I want you to take a look at it, and if you’re able to, it would be great if you could share that list with someone close to you — a parent, a sibling, a cousin, a good friend.

    Try to share your list with them and see what their response is. You might be surprised.


  • STEP 6 OF 7

    If you enjoyed this project and would like to begin Part 2 of 8, click below:


  • STEP 7 OF 7

    If you’d like to share what’s important to you with the OK You community and add it to our gallery, just click the link below.