First place: $350
second: $250
Third: $150

march 31, 2025

How do you work through stress and worry? We’re looking for your creative ideas!

What’s this all about?

OK You works with all kinds of people to design creative projects that support emotional wellness. Our goal is to inspire more people to “create their own OK.” We think of OKness as that feeling of inner peace you get when you’re feeling strong, calm and connected to your best self.

We believe we all have it in us to create that feeling for ourselves, and:

We believe that high school students (YOU) have the wisdom and imagination to create more OKness in the world.


Not at all! Your experience as a human is what we value most. 

Also, we believe that we’re all creative in our own ways, especially when we focus on what we love. Wherever you find joy and expression—in painting, cooking, music, nature, etc—that’s where your creativity will come alive. 

We’re looking for ideas not masterpieces. 
Creativity can be any idea or activity that engages the imagination. We like surprises!

Why participate?


If selected as a finalist, your project will be featured in our e-book and on this website, inspiring others to create their own OK.


You also have a chance to win one of our three cash prizes:

First place: $350
Second place: $250
Third place: $150


And, most importantly, your idea could make a difference in many lives and create more OKness in the world!

The OK Challenge is great for you resume, too!

We want YOUR ideas!

how to get started

1. Download the worksheet.

2. Follow the instructions on the worksheet to brainstorm ideas for your project.

3. Once you have an idea, share your project on an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper (one side only) or digital document. Be sure to include:

4. When you’re finished, click on the button below to submit your project by midnight March 31, 2025.

  • When I'm sad, I can write a sad song and it's like a form of venting my emotions, but through music. I believe it's an effective way of coping with emotions, but also makes something beautiful out of them.

    - Nguyen Hoang, 2023 OK Challenge finalist

  • Expressing my creativity has helped me get through moments of facing all of my insecurities and embracing my differences. It has helped me create a space for myself, instead of trying to blend into places I don't belong.

    - Angie Diaz Gonzales, 2023 OK Challenge finalist

  • Feeling sad and stuck is a common feeling. It is important for us to help each other out and figure out ways to find contentment.

    - Mila Welch, OK Challenge participant

  • My creativity keeps me thinking about the positive side of things and that has helped me through many difficult times. I find myself falling back on imagination when things are stressful, and it helps me stay grounded without the overwhelming feeling of in-the-moment fears.

    - Joseph Hays, OK Challenge participant

  • A lot of people, including myself, struggle with anxiety and worrying, and when everything feels out of control, it's hard to center yourself. Having something strong and definite to grab onto can make a huge difference, so I came up with the idea of peace jewelry.

    - Luke Histand, 2023 OK Challenge 2nd Place Winner

  • I think of OKness as a mindset of knowing that no feeling is permanent, especially the negative ones, and not giving up on that because it’s easy to spiral if you give up on the idea that happiness can happen.

    - Eleanor Song, Inner Peace Corps leader

what happens next?

Submissions will be reviewed in April by a diverse panel of judges, including members of OK You’s Inner Peace Corps youth leadership program.

Judges will be looking for projects that:

1.  Show originality
2.  Support inner wellness
3.  Are legible and clear in communication
4.  Include everything from the checklist (see green checklist in section above: HOW TO GET STARTED)

Finalists will be announced by May 1, 2025.

Tips for educators and facilitators

supporting the youth in your community

Youth supporters, we want your OK Challenge experience to be as easy and fun as possible! 

To help you get on your way, we’ve prepared the materials below.

Have more questions? Reach out to us anytime!

To spread the word to high school students and families in your community,

Download, email and display poster/flyer

For ideas on how to facilitate the OK Challenge,

Download tips

To present the OK Challenge to your students, here’s a short how-to video

To get your students started on their ideas, 

Download worksheet

To walk your students through the worksheet,

Download powerpoint / pdf

Thank you to our OK Challenge allies & supporters