Give worry a time out

Need a break from your worries? This project's for you!

Make your own OK Kit

And fill it with reminders of your calm, strong, creative & courageous OK self!

Keep an art journal

...and fill it up with YOU!

Hang A Wish

Create a reminder of hope

Capture your life in comics

It's like keeping a journal—except in comics!

Try a new attitude: gratitude

Happiness is a tiny gratitude journal :)

Make a Joy Jar

What little things bring you big joy?

Make some Nice Dice!

6 ways to feel nice = every roll is lucky!

Create an Obstacle Hallway

Get out of your head and into your body with Mia Bonilla

Create an Affirmation Wheel

And start practicing your positive thinking!

start your day with check-in cards

Also a fun & creative way to start group sessions!

Make a worry head

And let it hold your worries for you!