Capture the feeling

Create a personal metaphor and find your wisdom inside it

Take your brain on vacation

Design your own island and fly your brain there any time

Make your own OK Kit

And fill it with reminders of your calm, strong, creative & courageous OK self!

Make a tiny book (or 12)

Comics, inventions, tiny drawings, big ideas... the possibilities are endless!

Meet your Worry Beast

Who knows, maybe you'll even become pals

Tame your Worry Beast

(If you haven't met your worry beast yet, start with Project 10)

Keep an art journal

...and fill it up with YOU!

Journal On!

An art journaling project of OK YOU, Portland Public Schools, the Portland Art Museum & YOU!

Create a story doodle!

Doodling + curiosity + storytelling = FUN

Sing your worries!

Turns out, it's hard to feel blue when you're singing the blues

Hang A Wish

Create a reminder of hope

Create an Inner Self-Portrait

What do you look like on the inside?